Horror strikes when an eight-year-old boy named Peter tries to investigate the mysterious knocking noises that are coming from inside the walls of his house and a dark secret that his sinister parents kept hidden from him.
: Samuel Bodin -
: Lizzy Caplan, Woody Norman, Cleopatra Coleman, Antony Starr -
: Point Grey Pictures, Vertigo Entertainment
Our thoughts
Samuel Bodin is undoubtedly a master at creating tension and suspense, expertly biding his time to unleash terror upon us. Following his success with "Marianne," he once again showcases his skill in "Cobweb." The movie's well-crafted script, spanning two acts, gradually weaves a story that may appear familiar at first but ultimately unravels its originality as the narrative progresses. Throughout the film, there are chilling moments and unexpected twists that keep us enthralled, bolstered by exceptional performances and the use of highly imaginative camerawork. Nonetheless, it's regrettable that certain minor details fail to meet the standard set by the rest of the work u2013 for instance, the classic "why didn't they call the police" clichu00e9. Furthermore, the conclusion feels rushed, leaving us yearning for more answers and a more convincing resolution to the mysteries presented