Our thoughts
The movie begins with the allure of an 'Ocean's Eleven' heist film but swiftly transforms into a captivating blend of comedy, mystery, thriller, drama, romance, crime, and even horror. Surprisingly, it excels in each genre, making it an outstanding cinematic experience. One thing that truly impressed me about this film is its respect for the audience. While presenting numerous crucial details, it refrains from forcefully shoving them down our throats. Instead, it trusts the viewers to observe and acknowledge these intricacies on their own. The film's multi-layered narrative enhances its rewatch-ability, as there is always something new to discover with each viewing. Moreover, the film is incredibly entertaining throughout. Every scene is engaging, even though, on the surface, it might seem devoid of high-octane action. The magic lies in its fascinating characters and brilliant dialogue, which keep the audience thoroughly engrossed. 'Parasite' is undoubtedly a delightful cinematic experience, and I believe most people who give it a chance will have a great time watching it.